Did You Know?

A good way to test if you worry too much is to get a large paper calendar, write down your current worries on a piece of paper, and attach the paper to the next month on the calendar.

As the next month arrives and you find the paper with your worries waiting for you, see if they are still relevant and if they were really worth worrying about.

Stress Quiz

Just How Stressed Are You?

To test your stress level, just click on the appropriate answer to the following questions.

‘Occasionally’ means three to five times a month;
If more, select ‘Yes’.

01Do you feel overwhelmed most of the time, even with small tasks?
02Do you get upset or angry easily?
03Do you have mood swings throughout the day?
04Do you get tired after lunch or later in the afternoon? Do you eat compulsively, especially after dinner?
05Do you crave sweets, carbohydrates (bread/baked goods), or alcohol?
06Do you crave chocolate frequently?
07Do you crave salty foods like chips, olives, salted nuts, or snack foods?
08Do you gain weight easily?
09Do you have trouble losing weight, even if you exercise?
10Do you carry weight around your abdomen even if your arms and legs are thin?
11Do you have trouble either falling asleep or staying asleep?
12Do you wake up feeling exhausted in the morning?
13Do you really need caffeine in the morning to get you going?
14Do you feel ill if you go too long without eating?
15Do you get sad or depressed easily?
16Do you feel cold a lot of the time, especially in your hands and feet?
17Do you tend to get sick frequently?
18If you are male, could your sex life be characterized by the phrase “Down and out”?
19If you are female, could your sex life be characterized by the phrase “Not that again!”?
20Do you have digestive problems like gas, bloating, or diarrhea?
21Does your lower back “go out” easily?
22Do your neck muscles frequently feel tight?
23Do you get headaches frequently (more than three a month)?
24Do you have high or low blood pressure?
25Do you have high cholesterol?
26Do you get stressed out taking quizzes? (Just kidding!)


Your score:

Understanding your score:

While answering “Yes” to any of these question would indicate that there is probably a stress imbalance in your body, a friendlier way to score it would be:

To find laboratories and doctors familiar with testing hormone levels and resolving imbalances, click on Further Resources.